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Homigrams, our Team Members Use

Our team members use homigrams for their academic, professional and personal use. Check out a few below.

Homigrams I Use - Pinaki

Hi, I am Pinaki, the founder of Homi.

In my academic life, before long, I saw that I was maxing out on my memorization abilities.

While I was good at problem-solving, reasoning and Logic, I lacked in memorizing structured lessons. Demands of a grading system aside, I couldn’t even memorize topics that I was interested in.

As my academic career came to an end, memorization remained an unvanquished foe that I hoped to return to some day!

A few years ago as I was reading Aristotle’s, The Art of Rhetoric, I paused to reflect all that I had retained thus far. Come to think of it, I had read hundreds of books before, but what had I really retained? Maybe some disjointed facts, but no coherent lessons that I could teach someone about. This was no more acceptable.

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I decided a solution had to be found. I don’t know why I had not looked earlier. Perhaps I didn’t believe a solution could exist.

Luckily, I found a clue in the same book I was reading. Aristotle makes a mention of the Method of Loci, attributed to one, Simonides. I followed the clue and stepped into the world of Mnemonics.

Visual mnemonics felt like a missing piece that I should have found a long time ago. I realized that reimagining lessons as picture stories came naturally to me, and I could now retain more than I could ever before.

To test it, I memorized all the presidents of the US in a few hours, a feat that would have been unattainable for me earlier. I now had a flaming sword that I could return to my old foe with!

Homi is now a mission. There are millions of students like me who are not blessed with a good natural memory; students who should not be held back from fulfilling their aspirations because of it.

I believe, for many of them, Homi and homigrams are the missing piece.

Here are some homigrams I currently use in my professional and personal life.

Principles of Persuasion

Robert Cialdini's Principles of Persuasion →

An essential tool in any marketer's toolkit.

Homigram for Happy Emotions

Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions →

It provides us with a vocabulary to understand our emotions.

Homigrams I Use - Snigdha

Hi, I’m Snigdha, an Instructional Designer and Content Developer with a keen interest in Educational Psychology. Back in school, I always found it difficult to memorize concepts without context. Without realizing it, I came up with a technique of my own – memorizing lessons as stories. Of the lessons we were taught in History, Geography, Physics, or Chemistry, I only retained the ones that I could visualize in my mind as a story. In an Education system that rewarded rote learning, I was adapting using methods I had intuitively developed, but didn’t quite understand the workings of.

How I wish my teachers had taught me about mnemonics back then!

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My interest in Learning was piqued when I began studying Educational Psychology. I took some courses on the subject and at the same time I came across Homi. Homi brought back familiar, childhood memories – of a method I had developed on my own.

I began to make homigrams for concepts in my courses. Though I couldn’t help being skeptical in the beginning, I found that the homigrams helped me memorize concepts in a fun, effective, and efficient way. Here I am sharing a few homigrams I have made.

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development →

6 stages of moral development that we traverse.

Learning theories - Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Constructivism

Learning Theories →

Theories about how students learn.

Homigrams I Use - Snigdha

Hi, I’m Snigdha, an Instructional Designer and Content Developer with a keen interest in Educational Psychology. Back in school, I always found it difficult to memorize concepts without context. Without realizing it, I came up with a technique of my own – memorizing lessons as stories. Of the lessons we were taught in History, Geography, Physics, or Chemistry, I only retained the ones that I could visualize in my mind as a story. In an Education system that rewarded rote learning, I was adapting using methods I had intuitively developed, but didn’t quite understand the workings of.

How I wish my teachers had taught me about mnemonics back then!

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My interest in Learning was piqued when I began studying Educational Psychology. I took some courses on the subject and at the same time I came across Homi. Homi brought back familiar, childhood memories – of a method I had developed on my own.

I began to make homigrams for concepts in my courses. Though I couldn’t help being skeptical in the beginning, I found that the homigrams helped me memorize concepts in a fun, effective, and efficient way. Here I am sharing a few homigrams I have made.

Acquire a Memory Superpower Today!