Frequently Asked Questions
What is Homi?
Homi is a memory aid for studies, similar to flashcards, but employing a different approach.
Homi engages the visual, associative and spatial (VAS) memories for studies by encouraging one to reimagine their lessons as simple picture stories, or Homigrams. Students can then design the same using Homi's design editor to create a Homigram and then practice with it.
Whom is it for?
Homi is meant for students, adult learners and lifelong learners.
What is a Homigram?
When you have reimagined your lesson as a picture story, design it using Homi's design editor and stock assets library of characters, backgrounds and props - that's your Homigram for the lesson. This Homigram will be available for you to practice your lesson with, in an interactive and gamified way.
Design a Homigram with characters and objects (cues) that carry some meaning to you. The Homigram serves as a more tangible, familiar representation of abstract concepts.
What disiplines, curriculums, grades can this be applied to?
Anything and everything - Homi is an incredibly versatile tool and applicable to any curriculum - school, graduate or post-graduate. Some areas where you can make use of Homi are Medical, Engineering, Psychology, Literature, History, Law, Language Learning, SAT/GMAT/GRE vocabulary, and much more.
How do I know if Homi will work for me?
If you like stories, visualisation, and possess a good imagination, Homi is perfect for you. A sure shot way to check if Homi works for you is to take it for a spin. Sign up for free and make your first Homigram.
If it works for you, you would have discovered a useful study technique that will transform your academic or professional career.
How long does it take to make a Homigram?
Like learning a new skill, your first Homigram will take longer to make - a couple of hours, maybe more. However we should warn you that it can be a fun process where you may lose track of time.
After you have made a few, you will be able to make a Homigram in about 10-15 mins.
The process of reimagining information as a picture story is called encoding and is crucial to making it memorable. You will realize the benefits of the time invested in making a Homigram in the long term, when you find that you need fewer revisions and have higher recall accuracy.
How do I get started?
Sign up for a free Homi account here and start creating your first Homigram.