Homi - The Best Way to Learn the Vocabulary of a Foreign Language

Flashcards or activity-based apps are not well suited for learning vocabulary; Homi's revolutionary new storytelling approach is. Learn, why.

Learn Spanish vocabulary with Homi
Learning Spanish vocabulary with a story.

Design Stories to Learn Vocabulary

Use the power of storytelling to learn vocabulary with Homi. Instead of isolated words and phrases, create engaging narratives, turning new words into unforgettable characters and events. Your brain will recall stories more effortlessly than disjointed information.

Learn Dutch vocabulary with stories
Learning Dutch vocabulary with the plot of Cars (2006).

Active Learning, Active Memory

Designing your own Homigrams takes active learning to a whole new level. This level of engagement goes beyond passive recognition and demands deeper mental processing. It helps your brain form stronger connections making recall more effortless.

Learn Dutch vocabulary with stories
Learning Dutch vocabulary with the plot of Cars (2006).

Turn new words into unforgettable characters and events.

Learn French vocabulary as an Agatha Christie mystery

Personalized Learning

Unlike one-size-fits-all platforms, you construct your own learning journey with Homi. Create Homigrams that draw from your personal experiences, making the learning process more meaningful to you and the memories more robust.

Blend of Traditional and Innovative

Homi does not discard traditional learning methods like spaced repetition. Instead, it smoothly integrates such methods with our innovative storytelling memory techniques. This ensures a familiar yet refreshed approach to learning, enhancing the effectiveness of vocabulary acquisition.

Girl imagines a story to memorize her lessons

Imagine and Design Stories to Memorize Anything!