Day 12: Día 12: Los números, 11-20 (Parte 2)
¡Hola a todos!
This lesson will be similar to the previous one. We will learn Spanish vocabulary for the numbers from 11-20 and then take a quiz. So, ready to take a look at the list?
11 | once awncey |
12 | doce dosay (‘d’ has a soft sound) |
13 | trece treysay (‘t’ has a soft sound) |
14 | catorce kaa-tor-say (‘t’ has a soft sound) |
15 | quince keen-say |
16 | dieciséis dee-ey-see-says (‘d’ has a soft sound) |
17 | diecisiete dee-ey-see-see-yey-tey (‘d’ has a soft sound) |
18 | dieciocho dee-ey-see-o-cho (‘d’ has a soft sound) |
19 | diecinueve dee-ey-see-noo-ey-way (‘d’ has a soft sound) |
20 | veinte vey-een-tey (‘t’ has a soft sound) |
How are the following people doing?
Let’s check the answers:
- Dieciocho – 18
- Diecinueve – 19
- Quince – 15
- Once – 11
Now, counting up to 20 is straightforward and can be memorized. However, from 21 onwards, there are certain rules that must be followed to make the numbers. These rules are fairly easy to comprehend and follow. After memorizing the first 20 numbers, you should look up the rules for number formation after 20 and learn the rules. This exploration will not only teach you how to tell your age or birthdate, but also increase your confidence in navigating and learning the Spanish language on your own!
Make sure you take out some time during the week for this small homework!
We will be back with Day 13 and some new vocabulary for you to learn tomorrow!