Day 15: Día 15: Profesiones en español (Parte 1)
Now that you know how to ask someone their profession and tell them yours, it’s necessary to also remember the names of some professions, isn’t it? Today and tomorrow, our Spanish vocabulary drills will focus on developing some Spanish vocabulary around professions!Let’s take a look at what some professions are called below:
El doctor / La doctora eyl doc-tor / laa doc-tora (‘t’ and ‘d’ have a soft sound) | Doctor |
El abogado / La abogada eyl aabo-gaado / laa aabo-gaada (‘d’ has a soft sound) | Lawyer |
El maestro / La maestra eyl maa-eys-tro / laa maa-eys-traa (‘t’ has a soft sound) | Teacher |
El bibliotecario / La bibliotecaria eyl bib-lee-o-tey-kaa-rio / laa bib-lee-o-tey-kaa-riaa (‘t’ has a soft sound) | Librarian |
El enfermero / La enfermera eyl eyn-fer-mey-ro / laa eyn-fer-mey-raa | Nurse |
El ingeniero / La ingeniera eyl in-gen-ee-ey-ro / laa in-gen-ee-ey-raa | Engineer |
Notes to remember:
- Professions are slightly different when using them for a female or a male. For example, a male doctor is el doctor while a female doctor is la doctora.
- El indicates that the profession is masculine and La indicates that the profession is feminine. For example, when referring to a male doctor, you would use doctor but while referring to female doctor, you would use doctora.
- La doctora
- El maestro
- La abogada
- El enfermero