Day 17: Hora del día (Time of the Day)
Learning Spanish vocabulary becomes easier as you progress. Consistency, practicing every day, learning new words and exposing yourself to the language as much as possible helps acquire language skills faster.
Today, we’re learning some new Spanish vocabulary about the different times of the day. Let’s take a look at the words below!
La mañana laa manyaa-naa | Morning |
La tarde laa taar-dey | Afternoon |
La noche laa no-chey | Night / Evening |
El mediodía eyl mey-deeo-dee-aa | Midday |
La medianoche eyl mey-deeaa-no-chey | Midnight |
Surely, after the last few days, these words might seem extremely easy for you to remember. But, a very small quiz should just help you practice some of them! Write down the the correct time of the day based on the following images:
Check your answers now:
- La medianoche
- La noche / La medianoche
- La mañana / La tarde / El mediodía – Since no time of the day is specified, it could be either morning, afternoon, or midday.
Today was easy, wasn’t it? Tomorrow, we’ll be back to learn what different days of the week are called in Spanish! ¡Adiós!