Day 21: El tiempo (The weather)
¡Hola, amigos! Welcome back to our journey of learning Spanish for beginners. Learning Spanish vocabulary has never been more fun, has it? Today, we’re expanding our Spanish vocabulary lists with an essential topic. We’re focusing on a topic that’s universally discussed – the weather! Being able to discuss el tiempo (the weather) in Spanish will help you engage in everyday conversations and understand local forecasts.
¿Qué tiempo hace? | How’s the weather? |
¿Cuál es el pronóstico del tiempo para hoy / mañana? | What’s the forecast for today/tomorrow? |
¡Qué tiempo tan bueno! | What a lovely day! |
¡Qué tiempo tan horrible! | What awful weather! |
Hace sol / viento. | It’s sunny / windy. |
Hace calorcito / calor. | It’s warm / hot. |
Está nublado. | It’s cloudy. |
Hay neblina / niebla. | It’s misty / foggy. |
Hace mucho frío. | It’s very cold. / It’s freezing. |
Llueve. | It’s raining. |
Nieva. | It’s snowing. |
Hay mucha humedad. | It’s humid. |
Now, let’s test your newly acquired Spanish vocabulary with a quick quiz!
- How do you ask “How’s the weather?” in Spanish?
a) ¿Cuál es el pronóstico del tiempo?
b) ¿Qué tiempo hace?
c) ¡Qué tiempo tan bueno!
d) Hace sol. - Which phrase means “It’s cloudy” in Spanish?
a) Está nublado
b) Hace viento
c) Hay neblina
d) Llueve - Which weather is shown in the image below?
a) Llueve
b) Nieva
c) Hace frío
d) Hay mucha humedad - What does “Hace calor” mean?
a) It’s cold
b) It’s raining
c) It’s hot
d) It’s windy - How does the man feel?
a) Hay mucha humedad.
b) Hay neblina.
c) Hace calor.
d) Hace mucho frío. - How do you express “What awful weather!” in Spanish?
a) ¡Qué tiempo tan bueno!
b) ¡Qué tiempo tan horrible!
c) Hace sol.
d) Está nublado.
Check your answers!
- b
- a
- b or c – it’s snowing, but it can also be very cold / freezing!
- c
- a & c – it could be very humid because he is sweating, and it is definitely hot weather!
- b
Fantastic work on mastering these weather-related phrases!
As you continue learning Spanish vocabulary, try incorporating these phrases into your daily life. Even if you’re just commenting on the weather to yourself in Spanish, it’s a valuable exercise in language immersion.
Tomorrow, we’ll explore another exciting topic to further expand your Spanish vocabulary lists. Will it be about food, travel, or maybe sports? Return tomorrow to find out and continue your Spanish learning journey!