Day 24: Mi Casa (My house) – Part II
¡Hola, Spanish learners! Yesterday, we toured the rooms of a Spanish casa. Today, we’re diving deeper into a few of the nuts and bolts of home vocabulary. Why? Because when you learn Spanish, it’s not just about knowing the basics – it’s about being prepared for real-life situations.
Imagine you’re in a Spanish-speaking country, staying at a hotel. Suddenly, the lights go out, or the heating stops working. Sure, Google Translate is handy, but in a pinch, knowing these words could save you time and stress. Let’s equip you with the Spanish language tools to handle household hiccups:
La electricidad laa ey-leyc-tree-see-daad (‘t’ and ‘d’ have a soft sound) | Electricity |
Las cañerías laas kaanye-reeyas | Plumbing |
La calefacción central laa kaaley-faak-seeyon seyn-traal (‘t’ has a soft sound) | Central heating |
El aire acondicionado eyl aa-ee-rey aa-kon-dis-eeyo-naa-do (‘d’ has a soft sound) | Air conditioning |
El ventilador de techo eyl veyn-tee-laa-dor dey tey-cho (‘t’ and ‘d’ have a soft sound) | Ceiling fan |
El garaje eyl gaa-raa-khey | Garage |
El balcón eyl baal-kon | Balcony |
El techo eyl tey-cho | Ceiling |
La bombilla laa bombee-yaa | Light bulb |
- If you’re in a fix and do not know how to speak complete sentences, you could make-do by saying ‘¡La electricidad, no funciona!’. ‘No funciona’ means ‘Not working’. While the phrase may not be accurate grammatically, it will at least communicate to the other person that electricity is not working!
Now, let’s take a quiz to see if you remember the words from the list!
- The air conditioning isn’t working. What should you ask about?
a) La electricidad
b) El aire acondicionado
c) Las cañerías
d) El techo - There’s a leak in the bathroom. Which word do you need?
a) El balcón
b) La bombilla
c) Las cañerías
d) El garaje - It’s freezing! What system isn’t working
a) El ventilador de techo
b) La calefacción central
c) El aire acondicionado
d) La electricidad - You need to change a light bulb. What’s the Spanish word?
a) El techo
b) La bombilla
c) El balcón
d) El garaje - You want to park your car. Where do you go
a) El garaje
b) El balcón
c) Las cañerías
d) La calefacción central
- b
- c
- b
- b
- a
Great job! By expanding your Spanish language skills beyond the basics, you’re building confidence to handle any situation that comes your way. While apps and translation tools are useful, having this vocabulary at your fingertips can make a world of difference in urgent situations.
Try incorporating these words into your daily Spanish vocabulary drills. We will be back tomorrow with another Spanish vocabulary lesson!