Day 29: Las Frutas (Fruits) Part – II
Today, we’re expanding our fruity Spanish vocabulary lists even further. We are almost at the end of this challenge! Can you believe it? You’ve spent 29 days worth of effort into learning new Spanish language vocabulary. But we still have today and tomorrow left. So let’s make the last of the Spanish vocabulary drills worthwhile and get started!
Let’s dive into this juicy new batch of fruit vocabulary:
El albaricoque eyl aal-baaree-ko-key | Apricot |
El arándano eyl araan-daa-no (‘d’ has a soft sound) | Blueberry |
La granada laa gra-naa-daa (‘d’ has a soft sound) | Pomegranate |
La frambuesa eyl fraam-boo-ey-saa | Raspberry |
La fresa laa frey-saa | Strawberry |
La sandía laa saan-dee-yaa (‘d’ has a soft sound) | Watermelon |
Las uvas laas oovaas | Grapes |
El melocotón eyl mey-lo-kaw-ton (‘t’ has a soft sound) | Peach |
La naranja laa naa-raan-khaa | Orange |
Now, let’s take a quick quiz! Match the following fruits with their Spanish names.
So, are you ready to see how many you got right? Check your answers! 1 – e2 – d3 – b4 – c5 – a¡Excelente trabajo! You’re really sinking your teeth into these fruity Spanish words. To reinforce your learning:
1. ![]() | a. El arándano |
2. ![]() | b. Las uvas |
3. ![]() | c. El melocotón |
4. ![]() | d. La fresa |
5. ![]() | e. La sandía |
- Create a colorful fruit salad and name each ingredient in Spanish as you add it.
- Play a quick game of “Yo veo” (I spy) with fruits at a grocery store or in pictures.