Day 4 of Spanish Vocabulary: Día 4: La Familia (Parte 2)
Yesterday we covered the core family members – padres, hijos, hermanos. Today we’ll use our spanish vocabulary builder to include the extended familia.
¡Vamos a empezar! Let’s start!
El abuelo eyl aaboo-eylo | Grandfather | |
La abuela laa aaboo-eylaa | Grandmother | |
El nieto eyl nee-ey-toh | Grandson | |
La nieta laa nee-ey-taa | Granddaughter | |
El tío eyl teeyo | Uncle | |
La tía laa teeya | Aunt |
Notes to remember:
- The -o/-a endings often indicate masculine or feminine nouns. Many masculine nouns end with an -o and many feminine nouns end with an -a. While in most cases you will be able to understand the gender based on the context, it’s still important to always check with a trusted source before assuming the gender of the noun.
- Again, to make these plural, simply add an ‘s’ at the very end.
Now, let’s practice with some fill-in-the-blanks:
- Ella tiene dos _______ que viven en México. (She has two aunts that live in Mexico.)
- Nosotros visitamos a _______ cada verano. (We visit our grandparents every summer.)
- Camilla y Sara son mis _______. (Juan and Sara are my grandchildren.)
- Mi _______ se llama Roberto. (My uncle’s name is Roberto.)
Check your answers now!
- tías
- abuelos/abuelas
- nietas
- tío
Fantastic work expanding your family vocabulary! Learning Spanish for beginners isn’t easy, but it’s most certainly fun if you pursue opportunities that challenge you to learn more every day!
Now, tomorrow – we will be focussing on conversation building yet again and learn courtesy words!